Saturday, February 1, 2014

I'm back, I was just busy

Well, what a difference a couple of weeks makes.  I am off the Entertainment Committee, it is quite a relief to NOT have the head of our committee arrive at our door wanting something else, done, written or approved.  It was a very interesting time, and indeed somebody else has come up with a new idea for me, a new task in our park, albeit a much easier one, not so ongoing or regular.

I did a class with a girl here in the park making a glass block such as you find in a fancy home's bathroom wall to allow light in, well we used a glass block from Michael's Craft store, filled it with mini lights, then wrapped it like a Christmas present with wired edge ribbon, decorated it with a big bow, and voila, a pretty light that makes a soft glow, and looks like an illuminated present.

I will try to post a photo of it here in the blog at the end of the page.

We had a wonderful jam at the home of our friend Bob G, there were several musicians there, Bob playing guitar and singing, his friend Keith doing the same, us playing the flutes sometimes with Bob strumming his guitar, Jim E playing his trombone, his wife Ruth playing her keyboard, and Terry on her drum, using the metal brushes she has.  It was lots of fun, and we had the most appreciative audience of park members in our outdoor audience.  After that we were invited to eat lasagna at another friend's house, Sandy and Harold.  We were 11, sitting outdoors on their patio under a perfect dark sky, laughing and enjoying the most mellow of moments together.  Magic.

We have had a couple of drum lessons at Annie's, it's called Health Rhythms, and you drum and learn how to drum with others, and express yourself.  There is also a guided meditation.  Right after that we have our flute lesson, which has been wonderful.  One week Annie said she had a surprise in the back garden, and it was our flute maker friend Nash, he was at Annie's making a 6 gourd set of 3 water drums for somebody.  It was fascinating to watch him as he hollowed out the gourds, bought from a place in Temecula, CA.
One gourd is the big bowl , which is processed so that it can hold water, and then another hollow gourd, smaller, is placed inside the bigger water holding gourd, on top of the water.  Then you play on the top gourd, it sounds wonderful.  Nash was planning to paint a design on the top gourd, I can't wait to see the finished product.

Our park held our AGM or Annual Board Meeting for all our owner members, and after that we had coffee and sweet rolls.  That night we held a 30th anniversary of the park dinner, we seated 190 plus folks for a spaghetti and salad bar dinner, with celebratory cake, it was lots of fun, and we as the Entertainment Committee put it on, as hosts, though the Board paid for the food.

Lary and I hosted a coffee morning one Thursday here, we over bought donuts, and had to kind of give them away after coffee finished, but at least we did our bit.  Always hard to know numbers for the coffee attendance.  And you order the donuts the night before coffee, then race into DHS in the morning to pick them up before the coffee meeting happens, usually Lary goes for the donuts in the car, and I make the coffee in the clubhouse.  It's fun, and we take turns signing up for the duty during our season here.

We attended a surprise birthday for our friend Jo Ann, but the only problem was that she and her hubbie were quite ill with flu or something, being good sports they arrived, but quickly left to go home, and the party carried on outside without them.  We had a very merry time, but felt badly that they were ill.

There was also a potluck dinner held outdoors for the Emerg. Preparedness committee, that was very successful, our leader is Linda, and they have a very nice enclosed patio where we all sat, bringing and sharing dishes of both appies and dinner things.  Yum yum and we got to know each other a bit better.

Pretty well the whole park helps with the Friday setup of our Rummage Sale, Thursday night the hall is filled with tables set out in the order that we have found works well, kind of a hollow rectangle, then Friday things are brought out of our sheds and organized and priced to sell.  That day we park members have a chance to buy things for an hour or so, then the hall is locked up til the following day, Saturday, when the Rummage Sale happens.

There is furniture and larger items outside, also live music and food like eggers in the morning and then burgers for workers and the public alike.  Quite a few folks from outside the park stayed and enjoyed the music and the burgers that we had for sale.  We made a couple thousand dollars for our park to use however they want, normally it's put back into kitchen equipment or the like.  It is a large undertaking, but is a quaint form of recycling, as often one unit donates things to the sale, and another unit finds the treasure, buys it, and then keeps it for another year, before donating it back to the sale for yet another year.  Amusing, as often it's "good used junque".  But you know, those quarter and fifty cents purchases all add up in the end.

One Monday evening Lary and I invited 3 couples of our friends in nearby parks, Katie and Grant, Georgette and Harold, Wendy and Dave.  We asked each couple to bring a dish, and we ate outside, in the warm afternoon/evening, it was very pleasant.  There isn't really enough space to seat 8 inside at our wee table, so we were lucky with the weather.

I have officially turned over my secretarial duties to Terry now, so I am off the Entertainment Committee.
Feels like a load off, though another park gentleman has asked me to maintain a list of sales and rentals for our park, which I will do.

I attended a gong meditation workshop at Annie's house, it was interesting.  The gong was made in Germany, it's called a symphonic gong, and the man plays it and you relax, and perhaps take a journey in your mind.  The sound was quite loud at times, so I was glad Lary wasn't there with his electronic ears, it might have been painful for him.  I felt as if I was too close to a jet engine, but others seem to have enjoyed it. I found it very relaxing and at the end of about 40 minutes I felt boneless and relaxed.

Our beautiful weather in the high 70s and low 80s has come to a temporary end, with high winds this Thursday and Friday.  Temps are down in the 60s with tons of sand everywhere, we all hope that we'll soar up in temps again, as it has been a very wind free winter to date, and such a pleasure indeed.

Georgette and I went shopping yesterday for more glass blocks, lights and ribbon, we'll both make a light again this coming Monday.

Wendy, Dave, Lary and I went out for dinner Friday night to Red Lobster, we had a 35 minute wait, the place is very popular indeed.  We drove as our car is a bit more comfy than their truck.  Nice meal, and a special for $29.95 per couple, 2 salads, 2 entrees, and 1 appy or dessert included.  $4.99 extra for the dessert if you wished.  Nice portion sizes, not too big.  Good food.

Bye for now, thanks for visiting the blog.