Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day before Thanksgiving in the US

Today was a lovely day weather wise here in the Coachella Valley.  There were a few small clouds in the sky, but then they burst apart, turning the lower part of each cloud into wisps, it was fascinating to watch.  I hit the pool around 4:00 PM, the sun had moved off the pool, but of course the pool was still lovely and warm.  Just brisk when I came out and walked home wet.  Water temp was 90ish, and the air was around 72.  Lary was about 1/2 hour ahead of me, lovely to be in the pool and hot tub.

We were just taking it easy and preparing to go over for our first practice for the Renaissance play this morning when we were called up on the phone, we'd been given the wrong rehearsal time, and had to dash off to meet our fellow actors, and start run throughs.  It was fun meeting new folks over at Healing Waters Park, about 5 to 10 minutes from us here, we stayed about 2 hours, then got the rest of the practice times and dates given to us.  Lary is to be a Scottish minstrel with only 1 line of speaking, I am an English jester with quite a lot of speaking lines, and I kind of direct the flow of the play, players and guests, so a bit more demanding.  Lary and I will have a flute duel, for the honour of our respective countries, Scotland and England.  There will be a luncheon, the affair starts at 1 PM on both Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 7 and 8th.

Tonight I sewed Lary a tartan sash, he really gets into the role and his brogue flies about, and I also let out the jester costume for me, it's kind of a sleazy nylon material, I am adding a piece to the back as its size was nowhere near mine!!!!  My sewing machine is getting a workout.

Our park is busy getting ready for tomorrow's meal, the park cooks turkeys for all participants in their communal dinner, and each table of folks organizes and brings all the side dishes they want to go with the turkey, stuffing and gravy provided by the park.  What a great idea for folks to get together, but not have the personal worry of the turkey cooking chores.  An interesting aside is that we are not allowed to have electric stoves in our units, there isn't enough electricity strength in the park, so we all have propane stoves.

I finished typing the minutes from the entertainment committee, distributed them, and enjoyed a day not totally jammed with the usual activity.  It's kind of peaceful, I imagine that a lot of folks have left here to head out to relatives, as we will do also.

Tomorrow we head out to my Aunt Penny's in Dana Point for Thanksgiving with her very big family, children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren.  We are staying the night in San Juan Capistrano, a nearby community which we may visit the following day if it's not too busy with other tourists.  The journey is about 2 hours, but it's a very busy day traffic and travel wise on the American roads.

That's it for now, bye and thanks for visiting.

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