Saturday, December 7, 2013

Renaissance luncheon and play today, and brrrrrrrr, it's cold here

Well, I am the one to repeat, where has the time gone.  Tuesday we had our first flute lesson with Annie again, and of course had a catch up of the past 6 months or so.  Really enjoyed our lesson, just the two of us, and brushing up our skills.

The temperatures have fallen out of the thermometer, even down here, and we are down in the 50s and 40s during the daytime, nearly freezing overnight.  It's so amusing, the power company is begging folks on the news to put on sweaters, put more blankets on the bed, and turn down the thermostat 3 to 5 degrees.  Interesting as Southern California joins the rest of the States and Canada
in the big chill.  Think the power company fears a repeat of the power brown out situation that has occurred here in the past, but more often in high heat, not big chills.  Icy winds here.

Tuesday we decorated the Renaissance hall, the clubhouse over at Healing Waters Mobile Home park where we'll put on our play.  It went well, they had done it the year before in the same place and the organizer Ronita had a large photo of the setup.  We also set up the tables and chairs for the audience, though reservations were slow to come in.  Clubhouse looks very pretty, and gets us into the spirit of the Renaissance era.  Play takes place in 1555 which I have to announce.

Wednesday we had another 10 AM rehearsal, this time a walk through which went well, and helped in visualizing the whole thing.  I was very concerned that we had to learn all our lines, and not use the script, but it seems that is not the expectation.  Quite a lot of the players don't have many lines, but the jester has a lot.  Hmmmmm, a bit worrisome to me.  I had a wonderful pedicure later that day, at the salon right by our park, Blondies, $26 for the works, including polish.

On Thursday our friends here, Bob and Jo Anne from Washington invited us over for Happy Hour, which was very enjoyable, around 4 PM.  It's dark by 5 or earlier.  Bob does both leather work and wood working, so he is very interesting.  We all love wine, so you can imagine how that went.  They are lovely generous people.

We went to coffee here at our own park at 9 AM and introduced our sub leasers to the folks here, and 3 of us from the Renaissance play dressed in costume and told our park members about the event, so they might attend.  We got a bit of attention, but again not many tickets were spoken for.  We even found our event is advertised this week in the Desert Entertainer magazine that circulates through the valley.

We were all supposed to decorate the clubhouse and grounds here for Christmas, but the clubhouse floor has to be refinished, and hasn't yet been, so like Scrooge, we haven't decorated a thing as yet, floor will be done next week, (which has been going on for the past 2 weeks too, frustrating for all.) 

Lary carved on his new project, a belted kingfisher, over at Catalina Spa that afternoon, but couldn't carve on Friday, as we had a full dress rehearsal that day.

Friday was a busy day, we had a rehearsal in costume, which went pretty well, we hadn't met some of the cast members til that day, and everyone looked pretty neat in their garments.  We are singing Christmas carols during the play, and Lary and I will have our flute duel which we have been practicing for all week.  Found out that folks will be reading their lines, a big relief for me.  Some folks have trouble projecting their voices, and the hall isn't ideal to sit up on the stage and project the voice, as there is a drop down part of the ceiling which blocks the sound a bit from the back of the hall.  Fun to see everybody in full regalia, we are really getting into the idea of it now.

Friday evening was our first flute circle over at Annie's, it is lovely as more instruments are welcome now, so it's a world music event, and more inclusive.  It's attracting a somewhat different crowd of folks, and Annie had a number of things there to sell, Lary bought a new wooden flute, and I bought a ceramic one.  Both are made by Nash, and we love the sound of them both.  Lovely mellow evening together, and a nice start to the Christmas season for us all.  Gary brought some delicious brownies.
Lovely music was played and enjoyed by all, very uplifting and peaceful at the same time.

Bye for now, later I will report on our play that takes place later today.  Gulp.

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